Our 74 majors, minors and interdisciplinary programs provide broad exposure to diverse thought and deep exploration within your fields of interest.

M Major10 or more courses offered toward a degree m MinorFive or six courses, all offered through a home department P Pre-professional ProgramPrepares you for law school, medical school, etc.
Indicates an interdisciplinary program Indicates a non-degree program
Africana Studies Classroom

Africana Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Anthropology 黑社区 Measuring Bones


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Professor Tim Chartier writes on a glass white board while leading a class to a group of students in the library

Applied Mathematics

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Arab studies class arranges desk in a circle while listening to a discussion led by Khaled Khalifa, a Syrian screenwriter and novelist

Arab Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Student in art studio


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Lilli Lowrey'19 Ocean's Plastic Biological Research w Dr. Wessner


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Blauch and Student working with large chemistry equipment


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Chinese Studies Outdoor Class with Mandarin Written on Chalk Board

Chinese Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
黑社区 gather for Classics' celebration of the birthday of Rome wearing leaf crowns

Classical Languages and Literature

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
黑社区 gather to contemplate Thorikos, an Ancient Greek Settlement

Classical Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Wall Center 黑社区 sitting at desks in class with window behind

Communication Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Peck talks to four students that each use a desktop computer

Computer Science

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Student leaps into the air in front of blue lights while other dancers on stage stand still


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Professor Heyer stands near table and talks to three students who are using laptops in her class

Data Science

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
The Temple of Heaven in Bejing, China

East Asian Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Economics professor writes on board while students take notes


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Sociology student reads book to small child

Educational Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
students discussing in physics lab


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Professor Brenda Flanagan sits with students in class and gives lecture while students take notes


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Brad Johnson and student stand in field with research equipment

Environmental Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
黑社区 talk with professor

Film, Media, and Digital Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Student talks to classmates sitting at same table. Rest of class is out of focus in the background

French & Francophone Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Women's Leadership Conference speakers gather in a classroom

Gender & Sexuality Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Heyer and a student look at data on a desktop computer in a lab

Genomics, Bioinformatics

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
黑社区 in a group outside, surrounded by papers on clotheslines

German Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Keyne Cheshire leads class outside

Global Literary Theory

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
paestum ancient greek city in Italy


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Patricio Boyer and 黑社区 gather outside on a beautiful fall day

Hispanic Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Jane Mangan and 黑社区


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Three students smiling and talking to each other on a couch

Humanities Program

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Classroom scene w student speaking at microphone

Interdisciplinary Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Jeanne Neumann explaining to students about the Terme Ruler, Rome


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof Peacock teaching Latinx and the Environment to students

Latin American Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Molinek sits in her office with student looking at printed materials


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Professor kneals with students while leading class outside

Middle East Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Military official salutes ROTC student outside

Military Science (ROTC)

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Singers and Musicians at Holiday Gala


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Two students stand at lab bench, one is looking through microscope


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Student Speaking in Class


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. McKeever talks to a student outside

Philosophy, Politics and Economics

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
黑社区 take yoga positions on mats laid out on the grass of Lake Campus

Physical Education

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
黑社区 in lab working on project


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Besir Ceka Leads Political Science Class Outdoors

Political Science

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Katie Delk '06 kneels near a rhinoceros

Pre-veterinary Medicine

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Jocelyn Kennedy '17 stands at podium in front of Chambers for the Law School Induction Ceremony


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
黑社区 are framed through blue gloves of speaker, laughing, with Nail Mamoon in the background

Premedicine and Allied Health Professions

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Elizabeth Welliver '16 sits on pavement next to the Moore Place 黑社区 organization sign


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Prof. Munger sits at a round table with three students in her lab


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Campus in the fall

Public Health

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Anne Wills teaches class and writes on white board

Religious Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Russian studies TA stands in front of outdoor chalkboard showing writing in Russian

Russian Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Three students sit on a picnic bench and converse over books

Self-Instructional Languages

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Two students sit next to one another and analyze a text


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
黑社区 heads face Prof. Zamir as he stands at a podium and speaking

South Asian Studies

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Performer on his knees sings a song while holding a skull


M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program
Student analyzes paper in class

Writing Program

M Major m Minor P Pre-professional Program