Department Contacts

  • Chair

  • Rebecca Joubin

    Chair of Arab Studies

  • Departmental Coordinator

  • Beth Jones

    Departmental Coordinator for Arab Studies

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We believe in ensuring our students are proficient in the language and knowledgeable in the cultures of the Arab world. As most of our students have not been exposed to the language prior to college, our teaching requires a deep dive in the subject, one that transcends mere classroom training.

Eylaf Bader Eddin

  • Assistant Professor of Arab Studies

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Arab Revolutions
  • Arab Literature and Translation
  • Arab Prison Cultural Practices
a young man with dark hair and glasses wearing a blue collared top

Rebecca Joubin

  • Chair & Professor of Arab Studies

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Syrian Television Drama and Film
  • Translation from Arab and Persian Literature
  • Eighteenth-Century French Orientalism
Rebecca Joubin Headshot

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Beth Jones

  • Departmental Coordinator
Beth Jones

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